
  1. Write a program to determine your system’s byte ordering. Explain how does it work and present your test results.

  2. Write a client program and a server program to continuously report the number of processes currently running on a specified host (UNIX) computer. Make sure your server supports multiple concurrent clients and handle socket-related exceptions.


  1. byte ordering
  • 用casting,將int(32bit) cast 成 char(8bit)
  • 檢查char 是哪兩個byte,就能知道系統的byte ordering
  1. socket
  • sysinfo contains procs,
get current # process
struct sysinfo si;
printf("num of process : %d", si.proc);
  • server
  1. getaddrinfo(), traversal the result list to get a available socket
  2. socket() create a socket descriptor
  3. bind() bind portnumber with the socket descriptor
  4. listen() listen on the port
  5. accept() wait for a connection
  6. after accept a connection, create a new process to handle clients
  7. write sth to the socket descriptor
  • client
  1. getaddrinfo(), traversal the result list to get a available socket
  2. socket() create a socket descriptors
  3. connect() connect to remote host
  4. read() read from the socket descriptor

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