jsuwp-2-14-2-16 functions, context adn variables
2-14 function invocation and the execution stack
bigword alert : invocation
- running a function
- in js, using parenthesis ()
圖解 execution stack
每次function被執行,都會建立新的 execution context,即使是呼叫自己
stack 最上層的context正在被執行
2-15 functions, context adn variables
bigword alert : variable environment
- where the variables live
bigword alert : scope
- where a variable is available in your code
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try to draw a picture below
2-16 Scope Chain
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如果var 不在該execution context,js engine 會到outer environment 找
outer environment is depend on where the function sits lecically(set up in creation phase)
note : 不是到stack下一層找
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2-17 scope ES6 and let
(Recall) bigword alert :scpoe
- where a variable is available in your code
- block scoping
- not allow to use the variable (access undefined) until the line ofcode is run